Vision Exercises

Integrating Holistic Eye Care into Your Daily Routine

Our modern world hits us with many challenges. Whilst we live longer than our ancestors did because of the availability of more food, better living conditions and a greater understanding of diseases and medicines, it could be argued that we do not always live happier, or even healthier lives than they did. We certainly seem…

Eye Health and Physical Activity: Exercises to Support Your Vision

Everyone knows that regular exercise is important, but how does it affect our bodies? As well as supporting a longer, healthier life, being active also provides many physical, mental and emotional benefits. Incorporating your favourite exercise into your daily routine supports our cardiovascular system, reduces stress, promotes better sleep and even aids our vision. If…

4 Simple Exercises for Eye Vision Training

When you think about exercise, you often think about the limbs, abs, and shoulders. People often think about the most obvious muscle groups. Most people don’t relate “exercise” to the eyes. It seems almost silly to think about, doesn’t it? The eyes don’t need exercise—they simply do their thing, all the time, without issues! Of…